Why 30s are the new 20s

We’re always being told that our twenties are the best years of our lives, but what if that is all about to change? It seems as though we’re settling down a lot older now, as opposed to getting married and buying homes in our 20s. Does this mean that actually, our 30s are the new 20s?

Working our way up

It used to be that people would find a job in their teenage years and stick with the same company and career until they retired. However, nowadays it seems as though we’re much happier to shop around for the dream job and then work our way up the career ladder. We’ve been told to chase our dreams, and many of us will continue searching for that dream job until well into our 20s. By the time we hit our 30s, we’ve got the career we’ve always wanted – and if not, we’re very close to finding it.

Why 30s are the new 20s

Hanging the party hat up

While it used to be that our party hats were well and truly hung up by the time we hit mid-20s, things are changing. People are partying a lot later into their lives now, as the need to settle down doesn’t seem to be as pressing as it used to be. However, when we hit our 30s, we’ve finally found the perfect balance between hitting the clubs and hitting the couch with Netflix and a tub of ice cream.

Body hang-ups

Teen and twenty years are tough when it comes to our self-confidence. We can spend a lot of time scrolling through Instagram and wishing we had the same bodies as the stars we see every day. However, by the time you hit your 30s, you realize that it really doesn’t matter. Self-love definitely starts to happen around this decade, which is something to look forward to.

Bucket list dreams

What is it you’ve always wanted to achieve? Maybe you want the marriage, the kids, the perfect house. Perhaps you want to see more of the world. With more money at our disposal and less partying to be done, those bucket list dreams become much more of a reality in our 30s. In our 20s, we’re still trying to work out on earth anyone gets by with all these bills to pay. However, by the time we hit our 30s, we’ve realized our dreams and hopefully have the finances to chase them.

Why 30s are the new 20s

Best friends forever

Another amazing thing that happens in your 30s is that you have fewer friends. “How is that amazing?!”, you ask. Well, when you hit your 30s, you tend to have found a better quality of friend. You cut out all of the negative people and surround yourself with real BFFs. These are the kind of people you’ll want to grow old with, and that will love and support you forever.
People used to say that your twenties were the best years of your life, but everything has changed now. Instead of dreading the big 3-0, it’s time to start embracing it instead.

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